Fear, Anxiety and A God That Loves You

What do you worry about?

Me? I have panic disorder. I’ve had it since I was six so I pretty much freak out about random stuff. I wish I could narrow it down to specific fears at least I could either avoid those or overcome them, but mine just kind of pile up subconsciously and break out with no warning. Yeah, it’s a drag.

Ironically, there’s a ton of stuff that I’m not afraid of. I’m not afraid of being alone. I’m not afraid of feeling worthless. I’m rarely scared of the afterlife and I’m not very scared of failing. I’m not afraid of public speaking, getting in a car crash or being unloved.


Because, as fearful as I am, I know certain things about God. I know that He is good; therefore I don’t have to fear Him toying with me or trying to harm me. I know that He created me and therefore I have purpose regardless of what I do or don’t do. I know that He loves me and cares for me, so I’m okay being alone with Him. I know He wins in the end so I’m certain that heaven awaits me. I know that He’s the savior, not me so I’m fairly confident in my salvation.

What about you? Do you know these things? Are you afraid of these things?

Then let me tell you again.

God loves you. He made you to be with Him and He wants the best for you. He was so concerned for your safety that He sent His One and Only Son Jesus Christ to come to earth and die on the cross so that we might be forgiven and that He could trade His perfect life for our terrible one. I know that I will fail because I’m merely human but He loves me more because that’s His nature not dependent on my actions and the same is true for you.

We may be afraid of a lot of things, but there are some things we don’t have to be.

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