Truly Shocked

A lot of life can be filled with disappointment. Movies said to be hilarious are only mildly funny. The greatest restaurant is just ok. The best new song is just like all the others.

That’s why when I heard that God could blow my mind I was skeptical.

God’s Word says,

“What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him” 1 Co 2:9 (ESV)

Despite all the hype and exaggeration of this world, it’s in God’s word where things are actually as big and amazing as He says they are. When God says that my imagination cannot fathom what He has in store for me I believe it. And, I have a HUGE imagination!

I was one of those kids who played imagination games as a child. My sister and I would create covered wagons with saw-horses and blankets. She would dress in bed sheets to make a “Little House on the Prairie” type outfit, and we would play for hours, dreaming and acting. If I, as a 6 year old could be a Pioneering Settler, than my adult imagination can go pretty far.

But God goes further still. Remember that the world we live in now is merely a tarnished, smeared painting compared to the original masterpiece, and we are still awe-struck at waterfalls, rain forests, mountains and stars.

When God says it’s going to be incredible…well, I can’t imagine.

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