News & Thoughts

The Ground Floor

My entire adult, Christian, pastoral life I’ve been taught that the modern-day church needs to go back to the Book of Acts. The early church has been heralded as the epitome of what God intended. We see their unity and marvel. We see their power and stand in awe. We see their sacrifice and are…
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Carrying the Lost

I was studying the healing miracles of Jesus the other day and came across the following passage, “…when they got out of the boat, the people immediately recognized him 55 and ran about the whole region and began to bring the sick people on their beds to wherever they heard he was. 56 And wherever he came,…
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A Greater Return

I’ve heard leaders all my life, say that God will give back to you when you give money to the church. That’s true. Unfortunately that’s where the truth usually ends. Usually the next few comments suggest that God is going to give you back money. They say that God’s Word says, “…give, and it will…
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Simply Shadows

The phrase, ‘a dog’s bark is worse than his bite,’ is usually said by people who have never been bitten by a dog. As a guy who has, let me tell you, it’s not. Nevertheless I have wasted countless hours and indefinable energy worrying about things that aren’t real. Sometimes I know I’m being irrational…
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