News & Thoughts

God Really Likes Rest

God really likes rest. How do I know? Because He role modeled it at creation. He didn’t need to rest, He chose to rest on the 7th day. Why? Because of 2 primary reasons in my opinion: 1.) He, like a good father demonstrated what He wanted His kids to do knowing that they would…
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What Do We Do With Muslims?

I'm usually good with disclaimers on my stuff so let me drop one in here before we start...You probably won't hear me say what you want me to say. No matter your stance, I'm going to irritate you. Okay, let's get started. Right off the bat let me highlight the title of todays 'book/article'. "What…
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A Segregated Nation

I'm learning about racism in America. What I'm learning is that I know far less than I thought I did. I thought that having an African-American President solved some things. I thought that the younger generation was solving all this stuff. I thought that I knew what the problems were. I thought that I could…
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Truly Shocked

A lot of life can be filled with disappointment. Movies said to be hilarious are only mildly funny. The greatest restaurant is just ok. The best new song is just like all the others. That’s why when I heard that God could blow my mind I was skeptical. God’s Word says, “What no eye has…
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